Thursday, October 4, 2012

Changing with the flow of emotions, the art of life

I don't think I was born being anything. I think I became something, I started loving something, I started hating something and i started feeling after the fact. The fact is that the reason for every single one of my decisions and behaviors, which are based on my emotions, have everything to do with my experiences and what I been through in life itself. Think of me like a painting. The meaning of my life is subjective. My life is the blank canvas. My experiences are my paint and my decisions represent the brush that drives my life wherever I'm going to end up. I am what I believe I am. if I didn't have an opinion/emotions or if my opinion of the world and myself is consider abnormal, in what me and you call "real world" , I would be considered retarted, maybe slow, sick and probably most likely depressed and anxious. You see I'm not against the idea of a cure but I'm against dependency and long term effects that come along with numbing yourself from emotions in general. Numbing yourself from sadness and sorrow which are the emotions that take up the most energy in our life, is numbing everything in general. You cannot numb bad energy without numbing good energy and I'm not the first person to say this. You cannot be completely healthy and fine in a sick world. What is normal? It is usually just something that isn't different. At the end this is subjective just like life itself, we get mad and happy everyday and thats the essence of life. Smiling through the hard moments even though its tough. I'm not one to know about your own experience but I know of many that even after physical cures it remains the same. Let me rewind. My individual perspective has led me to be be proud of the fact that emotions are the root of who we are and not language and individual opinion. Doing what I'm doing now its awesome, but what's not to say being able to form an individual opinion through language ruined the meaning of understanding one another, individually, without judgement. I guess it's too much power for us, this whole "being able to talk thing" and having our own opinions. Being able to build an individual opinion lets you build an individual opinion inside an individual opinion and so on. Sounds complicated but it is simple. We built the general opinion that it is okay to feel offended over individual opinions. This only leads you to forget that your opinion are only yours, based solely on the fact of what you have gone through, therefore exactly the same as anybody else's but foreign from one another. it's a contradiction to feel the need to express yourself freely all the time and get offended constantly. You might be doing the same thing you don't like. The solution it is not shutting down our freedom of expression but accepting that we all think entirely different. "Telling people you are offended is the same thing as saying you can't control your emotions and everyone else should do it for you" our emotions are responsible for everything we do but people seem to treat them like an option. Emotions aren't an option. They are in charge of the flow of life and you must have control of this flow in order to make the right decisions. When you learn your own emotions are in charge of the feeling you get when you feel offended, you will realize it is you and not anybody else. Even if they person is doing it on purpose, why give them what they want? Accept people think different and you cannot control how they feel and the actions they choose, but they can, just like you. Laugh it off, walk away and remember life is nothing but your own masterpiece in the gallery of life.