Friday, April 22, 2011

The Gift Of Life

We are born believing life is a gift but i must bring a little shift. I believe we are the gift to this life. Our flesh brings us to life until we die. Without the matter we would only be energy so divine and i admire our design because we are able to survive from the malign we can decline. We cure our own scars with maintance and time, and im talking about physical odds because spiritually we are the strongest gods. Able to accomplish anything we want if we put our mind to it, it will be done and from the negative things we should shun. The problem is we treat life as if it was a materialistic gift but we should see through the rifts that from the negative we should drift. Happiness does matter, but it is not made from matter It is made from energy, You should be flatterd. To be content it is easier or harder than it seems. It depends on how hard you dream to achieve because if you are convinced you can defeat dont be surprised of all the ideas you can conceive. Now if you become blind with ambition and greed dont blame it on your need to achieve. You wanted money all along, money is endless. You'll never finish wanting the fiction
and we cant turn ambition into another social addiction. It's okay if you want the best but when money is gone happiness shouldn't be put to test, feelings shouldnt be repressed, but humas nowadays are obsessed with the monetary system i detest. I suggest you start living life as the spirit you are. Imagine what would make you happy if the flesh was gone. Embrace the simplicity our ancestors lived through, the innocence of our own child we once knew.